Portrait Oil Painting Techniques Class with Mike Brazao


Instructor: Mike Brazao

Dates: Thursday, July 11-25

Times: 9-12noon

Ages: 16+

Cost for July (all 3 classes): $90 *****Change quantity to 3 when registering

SKU: POPTMBjuly Category: Tag:


“Oil Painting Techniques” is an enriching and hands-on course designed to immerse participants in the
timeless art of oil painting. Good portrait drawing skills are a must to start this class. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the various techniques, tools, and principles essential for creating stunning oil portraits. From mastering color theory and brushwork to understanding the nuances of texture and composition, students will acquire the skills and knowledge needed to bring their artistic visions to life. Through a combination of practical demonstrations, individualized guidance, and ample opportunities for experimentation, participants will develop their own unique style and proficiency in this classic medium. Whether you’re a beginning painter looking to embark on a creative journey or an experienced artist seeking to refine your skills, “Oil Painting Techniques” provides a supportive and inspiring environment to foster artistic growth and expression.
The palette that will be used is: Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Terra Rosa, Yellow Ochre Light, Transparent Red Oxide, Veridian, King’s Blue, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue Deep, Ivory Black, Titanium White, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber.
****Please note that this is a low solvent facility so put your solvent (even low odor or odorless solvents) and medium in closeable jars and keep the lids on unless you are actively using them. The other students will thank you for being responsible.
*****Before attempting any portrait painting, you should have good portrait drawing skills in place. They can be acquired in his drawing class – Basic Classical Drawing with Mike Brazao – either daytime or evening
This class will continue month-to-month with this instructor.


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