Category: Art Tips

Acrylic Painting Tips for Beginners

If you’re just stepping into the world of painting, acrylic painting is a great place to start. Thanks to its versatility, you can paint on practically any surface (as long as it doesn’t contain wax or oil), and thanks to its forgiving nature, it’s easy to cover up any mistakes. However, like with all forms… Read more »

How to Test the Believability of Your Painting

woman painting art in gallery

As an artist, you want your work to appear believable. But as a beginner artist, that may be difficult to accomplish. It can also be hard to tell if your painting is truly accurate when you’ve been working on it for so long. Thankfully, there are several ways you can test your painting for believability…. Read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Artwork at an Art Gallery

young woman at an art gallery writing notes

You’ve grown as an artist and you’ve started to build up a reputation in your local community. You may now be thinking of selling your artwork at a local art gallery. But how do you do so? Read on to learn more: Commissions vs. Outright sales There are two ways an art gallery can pay… Read more »

Top 3 Tips for Painting Hair and Fur

watercolor painting of a lion

Whether you’re painting a nature scene with graceful animals or a portrait of someone you love, you will need to know how to paint hair and/or fur. This can be tricky for beginners due to the details and nuance that hair and fur requires. That’s why we’ve put together our top 3 tips to help… Read more »

What Types of Natural Hairs Are Used for Paint Brushes?

Brushes in a glass jar

There are a wide variety of paint brushes on the market. The type you choose will have a huge impact on how your painting turns out. As such, every factor must be considered. When choosing a paint brush, many artists examine the type of hairs it has. Below, we cover the different types of natural… Read more »

Understanding the Foreground, Middle Ground, and Background

painting of a forest

As a budding artist, you’ve likely heard people talk about the foreground, middle ground, and background of a painting. But what, exactly, do they mean by this? Here, we break down the meanings so that you can use them to your advantage as you begin your artistic career. Foreground The foreground refers to the area… Read more »

What Is Mark Making?

Woman artist is drawing on canvas with brush

Every time you set down your pencil or paint brush, you make a mark on the canvas. Even the simplest marks can help convey the movement, emotion, and theme of your artwork. Understanding mark making, then, and how it can impact your work is crucial to becoming an artist. Here, we explain everything you need… Read more »

Our Top 2 Tips for Landscape Painting

Painting of landscape

Landscape painting is a beautiful type of art. Many artists that see a magnificent view understandably want to get it down on their canvas. However, landscape painting can be more difficult than it seems. Here, we provide our top 3 tips to help you with landscape painting: Keep it simple Many beginner artists get lost… Read more »

Shape vs. Form

soccer ball sketch

As you learn to draw or paint, you will soon be introduced to many concepts. One of these concepts is understanding the difference between shape and form. Most beginner artists assume they are the same thing, and while they are related, they are nevertheless different. Here, we discuss the differences between shape and form to… Read more »

What Is Foreshortening?

Vanishing Point is a drawing to which parallel lines appear to converge, it is a point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to converge, vintage line drawing or engraving illustration.

As you begin your artistic career, there will be many methods and techniques you will have to master. One of those techniques is foreshortening. Foreshortening is something you will use in every artistic piece, from simple drawings to watercolor paintings. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about foreshortening. What is foreshortening? Foreshortening is… Read more »